In the drop (2020)

Sonic Choreography

MA project DAS Graduated School.

In the DROP is the set-up and crafting of a performative soundspace for re-existence. It is the reassembly of an an-archic body to reimagine a world to come. A soundspace that merges precarity and excess, abundance and fragility in a constellation of sonorous events overlapping and agglomerating around listening. An emergent system that involves forces of aliveness and violence, coupled at once, as one.

 Working with the performativity of live sound, movement and voice, this research is carried out with the aim of subverting anthropocentric and colonial worldviews and modes of relation between bodies and materials, in favor of the coexistence, difference and affective proximity.

 >After the catastrophe, we listen; variegated, we explode. We aim for a bond in complicity and commitment. A perceptual engagement, from the quiet sounds to the noise that stretches listening. We listen through the vertebrae, through the soles of the feet and the back of the mind, for an auditory imagination unbound from capitalism.<

Responding to the social distancing measures of the global pandemic, the performance was presented for a small group of people in a inmmersive sonic space, while being rendered and live broadcast through a digital radio for a distant audience, exploring the limits and convergences of virtual and actual presence, with listening as a mode of touch through distance.

Cast & crew

Sound, choreography and concept
Paula Montecinos Oliva

Dance & vocal performance
Karina Villafan
Tiana Hemlock-Yensen

Pedro Matías
Paula Montecinos Oliva

Nadia Bekker.

Artistic advisor
Fernando Belfiore
Flavia Pinheiro

Web and image
Andy Dockett

Broadcast mixing
Nahuel Cano

Research mentors
Hypathia Vourloumis
Katarina Batasaki
Constanza Piña Pardo

Thanks to: Sher Doruff, Andy Dockett, Veza Fernandez, Gabriel Milliet, Rodrigo Batista, Corazón de Robota, Annick Kleizen, Johan Mijail, Alice Chauchat, Konstantina Georgelou, DAS Choreography peers, Geert Odens, Udo Ackermann.



