Possible Hybrid Sculptorics

Festival Transdisciplina Off-Fidet & Festival Corpus Alterno, Universidad Santiago, Chile.

Direction and concept | Paula Montecinos

Performers | Vannia Villagrán, Kevin Leiva, Josefina Greene, Roberto Toro, Vanessa Pérez.

Sound Environment | José Rojas, Andrea Torres

Visual and technological support | Constanza Piña.

Is a performative installation that invites the audience to listen, to observe and to engage with the movement of hybrid corporalities. A dynamic choreographic space, where organics and electronics meet undefined corporalities to create an environment that is constantly changing and altered by the interactions between the audience and the performers.

Through the experimentation with DIY technologicals devices light, sound and movement, choreographic movements are triggered in the space, creating a performative body along with the viewer, in a symbiosis between biological and technological artifacts, enabling a sensorial journey to a crossbreed body.

Sea lo que sea, la manera en la que cuentes tu historia online puede marcar la diferencia.

Todo empieza con una idea. Tal vez quieras comenzar un negocio o convertir un pasatiempo en algo más. O bien, es posible que tengas un proyecto creativo para compartir con el mundo. Sea lo que sea, la manera en la que cuentes tu historia online puede marcar la diferencia.


Inside Bodies

